Help Us Make A Difference In The Lives Of Our Residents Here At Good Samaritan!
We have tons of fun volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups.
We are always excited and grateful to have helping hands as we consistently have a jammed packed activity schedule.
Our Activity Department is open everyday from 9am-5pm.
How many hours you are willing to volunteer is entirely up to you.
We just ask that if you commit to a day to volunteer that you follow through and if anything happens and you can't make it please be courteous and give us call.
Please note we do NOT allow court ordered volunteers here due to us not being able to background check.
Volunteering here at Good Samaritan as an Individual can range anywhere from leading our daily Bingo or assisting with setting up for an event or even aiding us with our Room to Room Visits. We would basically have you shadow one of our Activity Coordinators for the amount of time you are willing to volunteer.
Groups volunteering here at Good Samaritan is a little more complicated then individuals because we normally only need help during parties/ socials or events which we do not have daily. We also only have group volunteers for a shorter period of time usually only an hour or two. BUT we are willing to create an activity or event to add to our Activity Calendar for groups willing to come in and volunteer. In the past we've had volunteers want to come in and do group Arts & Crafts with our residents. We have also created an Ice Cream Social for the residents and had the volunteers assist us with set up and serving. We even had groups come in that had premade arts and crafts and they went around our facility and passed out their beautiful creations to our residents. We are 100% willing to hear and brain storm any possible ideas your group may have.
If you are interested in volunteering here at Good Samaritan or have any questions please leave your contact below!
And we will get in contact with you as soon as possible.
Thank you for showing interest in volunteering!